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Control-M v8

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 4:40
by Admin007
We will be upgrading Control-M for z/OS (v6.3.08) and Control-M for Distributed Systems (AIX - v6.4) to v8 over the next few months.

I am wondering, what issues, if any, people are experiencing or can be expected during and after this upgrade. Also, any helpful hints or tips that can be utilized.

We also use Oracle 11.2 for the database.

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 9:46
by fyot

Migration tools will provide correct way to migrate data.
But the most important things you need to see is about :

- vocabulary as scheduling table by folder...
- write and upload changed by check in and check out...
- utility's option modified and adapted with new vocabulary,
- and new console including GU, CCM, Desktop, and RF.

Migration will be as easy as previous version, but,
the most important will be to teach all user how to work with the new interface.