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Question on extracting date about the jobs run from CTRL-M

Posted: 22 Jan 2007 7:40
by gmanigault
Can you tell me where I can read up on extracting the wealth of data from our CTRL-M system. Is there a good reporting tool or do you have to use SQL? Is is Oracle or SQL Server? If you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


Posted: 22 Jan 2007 9:55
by fyot

Depending on your Control-M version.
With the last version 6.3.01 exist now, some new tools to report.

Anyway, the best solution is to create some request to read directly all existing information from the database.

I could advise to you, to use only Control-EM database to do it.
Control-EM could be interrupted but not your Control-M Server. It is the most important part on that architecture and you can reduce performance very quickly.

However You can find some SQL examples and Web reporting to extract Control-M and Control-EM informations on that site.
On of them is Chain-view.php

You can find too, database Posters and some links concerning other tools like Vitual Jobs to help you.