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*****Job turns to blue***

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 5:29
by satavpa
Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing good..

One of jobs are going to blue state (i.e. waiting for resource) once its time frame is reached... Doing why it shows " performing why on job"..

It's seems a something peculiar things.. As the agent is up and fine and no resources allocated.

Please help us to find, where would be the exact problem?

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 10:07
by Walty

There are times when a Job for whatever reason, does not release the Control Resource or Quantitative Resource after it has finished.
This prevents other jobs that require the same Control/Quantitative Resource from Executing because the Resource will never be freed without a manual Database update.

In the Bmc KB a procedure is detailed:

- See SLN000000175228 for Control Resource
- See SLN000000196208 for Quantitative Resource

In this forum you can see this post too.

Posted: 16 Apr 2010 1:36
by satavpa
Hi Walty,

Here for this job we are not using any resource nither CR nor QR.

Posted: 16 Apr 2010 12:35
by Walty

Some suggestions.

Analyse steps:
- Look the status of job by the utility <ctmpsm> to see whether you have the same situation.
ie: if Unix agent use : ctmpsm -LISTALL JOBNAME | grep <your_jobname>
- Check status of job by SQL query:

All the valid states used by CONTROL-M/Server

0 Wait for Scheduling Criteria to be evaluated
1 Wait for Confirmation from user
2 Submitted to Agent
3 Not submitted to Agent
4 Executing
5 Ended
6 Analyzed Post Processing Steps
7 Disappeared
8 Post Processed
9 Not Found
A Waiting to Rerun
B Waiting for From Time
C Wait for In Condition
D Wait for Resource
E Wait for Submission
F Not used by CONTROL-M/Server
G Retry Submission to Agent
H Wait for Group Scheduling
I Failed To Submit
J Job waiting for Odate
K Job is past its Odate
Z Agent Status is Unknown

Y means that the job has completed successfully.
N means that he has not completed or it has completed unsuccessfully.

N not on hold
Y on hold
D Job was deleted.

Debugging steps:
- Try execute a <Force-Ok> to terminate this job
- Hold this job
- Update status by SQL query:
update CMR_AJF set STATUS='N', STATE='5, OSCOMPSTAT='1'' where JOBNO='your JOBNO'
- Free your job. It will appear in Red now.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 7:40
by Kenton
Yes, I get locked "Blue" jobs as well.

I have learned how to clear them with DB intervention but I'm keen to see what's in SLN000000175228.

I don't have access to the KB as this is controlled by the vendor ;-(

Can you skicky me the details?

Thanks Kenton