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UPGRADE 6.1.03 TO 8

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 8:35
by tecnobrat
Is possible upgrade version 6.1.03 to 8 directy????


Posted: 25 Jan 2013 9:00
by mauriziog
Using the migration toolkit is possble to migrate from 6.3 version, so the answer is: NO you cant.

But you can: install the new version on the new server(s).
Export definitions and scheduling from 6.1 in xml files.
Import the definitions on the new server (after little changes in the xml file structure).
I've used this approach in the past also for the 7.0 version, because sometimes having a new server without importing old configurations is advised.


Posted: 25 Jan 2013 2:28
by tecnobrat
Dear Mauriziog:
Thanks for your information. A big hug from Chile.
There is a PDF document as migration strategy???


upgrade 6.1.03 to 8.0.00

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 12:26
by brownbag
Maurizog's advice works for most versions, but I've found that the xml files for version 8 differ a lot more than any other version. I would think that it would be easier to install a separate test version of Control-M/EM 6.4.01 (on any server), then use the migration utility to migrate the data to this, then use the version 8 migration utility to migrate the data again.
You don't necessarily need to do two full upgrades, just two full migrations.