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Control-M Integration with Intec Single.View Billing

Posted: 03 May 2010 9:34
by Eight
In the process of Installing 6.4 SP 3

Anyone Running Intec/single.view batch?

Seems like command line should work... Can anyone share their experience?

Re: Control-M Integration with Intec Single.View Billing

Posted: 11 May 2010 3:42
by Polis
Eight wrote:In the process of Installing 6.4 SP 3

Anyone Running Intec/single.view batch?

Seems like command line should work... Can anyone share their experience?

yes, we are using Control-M for scheduling different scripts for different billing systems, and even for Single.View. Mainly Control-m suite was bought to be able to schedule SV tasks. Keep in mind that in order to see the result of the task launched from Control-M within SV. you will have to do additional coding to be able to find that. As, it would be good for operators of SV to see in the future what task have been launched during particular day. I know that either in SV version Nr 6.01 or in version 7.0(which is not released yet) there will be very robust scheduler, even allowing to prepare some dependencies of the tasks running at the same time.

Posted: 12 May 2010 9:42
by Eight
Thanks for the info Polis.... good to know.

Can I get more info on how it was done? How you run (by command or script)? Do you get exit code and sysout? How much customization was done and by whom (intec or yourself?)? Have you done a billing run as Intec doesn’t recommend it (But seems to me that It can be done).

Thanks again,

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:40
by ahtisham454
I really enjoyed this post and Thanx for the effort