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AFT Filewatcher error "File size is not static"

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 2:24
by felix_clerc

I'm trying to transfer files from one unix host to a windows one using AFT 6.4.
I shall transfer all the failes named retarcfi.* if there is one or more present.

I tried both filewatch and copy and filewatch, then copy, I always get an error message for the filewatcher saying the size of the file is not static.

This happens whatever the size of the file is. Here is a sysout:

File for watch is 'retarcfi.*' in directory '/TCF7/interfaces/out/e2p/a_traiter'.
Minimum file size is [0]Bytes;
Time to wait is [1]Minutes;
Start to watch for file: retarcfi.20120202122945
Time Limit for file watching was exceeded. Total watch time is [60] Seconds.
File watching for file 'retarcfi.20120202122945' failed. Minimum file size is [0]Bytes.
Current file size is [0]Bytes. File size is not static.
Number of iterations while size is static is [2].Total watch time is [60] Seconds.
Job executed with errors !!!. exiting.

Does anyone got an idea of what happen there?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Increase the time limit

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 5:27
by benjamin
I had a similar issue after we upgraded to AFT V7.
We resolved it by changing the Time Limit to 2 minutes (after trying various other options, we discovered that this was the shortest time that would still work).

I would try that first.

Good luck

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 1:48
by felix_clerc

Thanks Benjamin for your input - it is part of the reason of the failure...

By default, AFT is configured to scan file size every 30 seconds, and to iterate 3 times over a file to consider it as static - very useful to make sure you will not transfer a file being currently produced and thus growing.

The point is that 3 * 30 seconds is 90 seconds, which is the minimum amount of time required to consider teh file as static.

If you need to catch them faster, and have no need to wait for a fixed size before processing a file with the same AFT CM, you can reconfigure it to say for example to scan every 10 seconds, and only twice, reducing the filewatch detection to 20 seconds.

Hope this will help other people facing the issue...
