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Find Active Net for a Control-M Server

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 3:42
by fyot
There is a SQL script example to give you exact Avtive Net from Control-EM database about one of yours Control-M Server.

declare @ctmserver varchar(15)
declare @activ varchar(20)

select @ctmserver='CTMSERVER'

select @activ="A"+ACTIVE_NET_NAME from dbo.COMM where DATA_CENTER=@ctmserver
select @activ

Result example:

Posted: 11 Jun 2007 4:02
by philmalmaison
moi jfait juste un sp_help sur la base EM et j'ai tous les net name existants dans la base non ?? (puisque que j'ai toutes les tables...)


me I just do a sp_help on the EM database and I have all existing net name's in the database, isn't it ?? (as i have all tables ....)

Posted: 11 Jun 2007 4:25
by fyot
Hi philmalmaison,

It's not totally true.
Active Net could change if during the day you had a Gateway failure.
For the same gateway you can have another Active Net and keep in the same time all the tables created for the oldest ActiveNet.

So, when you want to build an automatic extraction without any mistakes in case of your gateway crashed, the best way must be to extract the last ActveNte crated by Control-M.

And finaly everybody are not access right to read database content directly, using SQL command.

Posted: 13 Jun 2007 6:02
by philmalmaison
fyot wrote:Hi philmalmaison,

It's not totally true.
Active Net could change if during the day you had a Gateway failure.
For the same gateway you can have another Active Net and keep in the same time all the tables created for the oldest ActiveNet.

So, when you want to build an automatic extraction without any mistakes in case of your gateway crashed, the best way must be to extract the last ActveNte crated by Control-M.

And finaly everybody are not access right to read database content directly, using SQL command.
what is the difference beetween doing isql or SQL and your solution to connect the database aren't you doing a select ?

Posted: 13 Jun 2007 9:39
by fyot

I didn't say about database access using isql or sql.
I just told about SQL syntax.

Posted: 14 Jun 2007 2:40
by philmalmaison
ok anyway your right