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User Daily jobs and the New day procedure

Posted: 06 Dec 2009 6:33
by Dylanesque
Control-M runs jobs by using the new day procedure, forcing jobs or getting the new day procedure to kick off user daily jobs.

When the new day procedure runs, it looks for jobs whose scheduling criteria have been met (ie calender date) and moves these jobs into the acive jobs file on both Server and EM databases and runs them.

Let's say you have a number of jobs which are all dependant on each other and are scheduled for 5 days of the week.

You would place these jobs in a Group scheduling table and on each day New day would run the first job and the others (depending on wheather job conditions have been met) but let's say you only want to run the jobs to run at 10am, you would assign each of these jobs to user daily job ( enter system in "User Daily field of the scheduling Group and in the table details, spedify the name of the user daily job).

So, when new day runs it moves any job with type SYSTEM in the user daily field and runs them.

However, if I wanted to run all of these jobs at a diffent time other than new day time, I could create a user daily job which involk the ctmudaily command which would scan tables associated with the User Daily name and schedule jobs in the table that day. However, where would I specify a specific time ??

Would appreciate clarification !

Many thanks.


Posted: 07 Dec 2009 10:22
by rahulsehgal

Command name is ctmudly <userdailyname>
You can specify the time for Userdaily job in To and From time window in Job Definition under EXECUTION tab.

Note: Please add the userdaily name for Scheduling tables using Table Detail option in Scheduling table manager.

Rahul Sehgal