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Dependency between Monthly jobs and Daily jobs

Posted: 01 Jul 2010 8:30
by Venkateshwarulu

I have to create 50 new jobs ...say A1, ....A50 and these jobs are Monthly jobs. And also I have to create 10 jobs like B1,...B10, which run on Daily.

All B1,...B10 jobs should run only after completion of all A1....A50 jobs. If any of the A jobs fails then B jobs sould wait untill all the A50 jobs to finish.

How can I set up the job dependency between Monthly (A) and Dialy jobs (B)?

Can some one please explain the steps for creating scheduling group with scheduling tags and relating these new defined jobs?

FYI...We are running 6.3.01 controlM env.

Any help greatly apprciated :D


Posted: 08 Jul 2010 11:02
by avaidya10
use group job defination for all the jobs. it seems like you know the answers.

how to defina a group table and jobs hummm that should be straigh forwards. you son't have to use tags unlesss you want to.

be sure to chose adjust condition to yes.

other work around to have a dummy job posting all 50 conditions on daily except for when monthly is loaded. this you can do without using group jobs

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 6:23
by Venkateshwarulu
Thanks for your reply. I have created 2 set of jobs and 2 Calenders , one for running daily and one for Monthly.

I think your suggestion (to have a dummy job posting all 50 conditions on daily except for when monthly is loaded) also works fine.

Thanks again for your reply.


Posted: 05 Aug 2010 4:43
by mauriziog
I dont undertand well the problem.
If the A jobs are executed montly and are the predecessors of the B jobs.
The B job must run in the days when the montly A job there isnt ?

Only when ther is the monthly job A the job B must wait the end of the A execution: is this the problem?

If so there is many solutions:
- duplicate definitions of B jobs and schedule differently the two B jobs
- duplicate the A job, one is dummy all days except for the day in that it is job (on EM there are always the two jobs A and B)

- use the ControlM utility that add the conditions that are not added because the job is not scheduled: ctmldnrs

- use, as suggested the scheduling group definition and the "adjust condition" option on it.

have a good day