Rexx pour cr?er un etat de l'ajf pour l'utilisateur

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Rexx pour cr?er un etat de l'ajf pour l'utilisateur

Post by Yves31 » 26 Jan 2007 2:36

Avez-vous une rexx qui permettrai de formatter le compte rendu de la commande CTMPSM -LISTALL ou autre, afin d'envoy? a l'utilisateur l'?tat de l'ajf journali?rement.
Nbre de Jobs en wait schedule par ODAT
Nbre de Jobs en ended not ok par ODAT.....

Merci d'avance.


Do you have a rexx which will allow to format the report of order CTMPSM - LISTALL or other, in order to sent has the user evry day the state of the ajf. Number of Jobs wait schedule by ODAT or, Number of Jobs in ended not ok by ODAT .....

Thanks in advance

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Post by fyot » 26 Jan 2007 3:30


There is a lot of solution.

- First could be to create a small script parsing result of your CTMPSM command.

There is some different option in command line existing with CTMPSM.
Here is different option concerning a 6.1.03 Control-M Server.



ctmpsm -LISTGROUP <application> <group> [<scheduling>]

ctmpsm -LISTAJFTAB <table>

ctmpsm -SCHEDTAB <-LISTTABLE <table>|-UPDATE <row_number> <udaily>|-ADD <table> <udaily_name>|-DUDAILY <row_number>|-REMOVE <table>|-LISTJOBS <row_number> >

ctmpsm -LISTSYSOUT <orderid> [-SYSOUTNUMBER <number>]
ctmpsm -LISTDETAILS <orderid>
ctmpsm -LISTFULLDETAILS <orderid>


ctmpsm -FULLUPDATE <orderid>
[ -GROUP <group> ]
[ -APPLICATION <applic> ]
[ -NODEGRP <name> ]
[ -MEMLIB <path> ]
[ -MEMNAME <filename> ]
[ -CMDLINE <string> ]
[ -OWNER <username> ]
[ -MAXRERUN <value> ]
[ -TIMEFROM <earliest> ]
[ -TIMEUNTIL <latest> ]
[ -TIMEZONE <time> ]
[ -PRIORITY <job> ]
[ -INTERVAL <45d> ]
[ -OVERLIB <alternative> ]
[ -MAXWAIT <days> ]
[ -INCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT AND|OR ]
[ -OUTCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT ADD|DEL ]
[ -AUTOEDIT <varname> <expression> ]

ctmpsm -UPDATEGROUP <application> <group> <HOLD> [<scheduling>]

ctmpsm -UPDATETABLE <table> <HOLD>
ctmpsm -XML [<ODAT>] [-SORT <ORDERID>]

Some adding exist with the last version as :

ctmpsm -IMPORT_CAL <ECS>

ctmpsm -LISTCAL [<Calendar>] [<Calendar>]

- Second solution I see, will be to use Chain-view.php v1.30 example. You can save the SQL request result in a file and send that file to your users.

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