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Error installating version 8 of Enterprise Manager

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 12:25
by robmstock

I'm trying to install version 8 of the Enterprise Manager on Windows 2012 & SQL Server 2012. The SQL database is on a different server.

It is failing with the following error:

Failed to execute Create database and schema:
VB-300 - VB-300 module : error while checking is login exists. For details check C:\Users\storob\AppData\Local\Temp\dbu_rebuild_out_15_10_2014__1113.txt

The text file contains a list of users. Another file generated at the time gives the following details:

<11:13:39> DBUBuild script log, 15-10-2014
<11:13:39> ----------------------------------------
<11:13:39> Getting CLI parameters:
<11:13:39> Mode: update_connection
<11:13:39> Username: ctmeuser_tst
<11:13:39> Password: ********
<11:13:39> Host:
<11:13:39> Port: 0
<11:13:39> Database Name: ctrlmem_tst
<11:13:39> SID:
<11:13:39> EM Instance Name: Default
<11:13:39> Stdout>> AP-51 - Update Connection : 52 - Missing parameters.
<11:13:39> Stdout>> usage:<options>
<11:13:39> Stdout>>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -mode <update_connection/set_environment/create_schema/init_schema>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -user <Database user name>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -passwd <Database password>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -host <Database host>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -port <Port number>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -dbname <Database name>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> -em_instance_name <The Control-M EM Instance Name>
<11:13:39> Stdout>>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> mode requirements:
<11:13:39> Stdout>>
<11:13:39> Stdout>> Updating Connection: user, host, port, dbname, em_instance_name
<11:13:39> Stdout>> Set Environment: user, passwd, host, port, dbname, em_instance_name
<11:13:39> Stdout>> Create Schema: user, passwd, em_instance_name
<11:13:39> Stdout>> Init Schema: em_instance_name
<11:13:39> Stdout>>

Can anybody help with resolving this?
